Why creators struggle—and how to beat it

"90% of creators experience imposter syndrome at some point in their careers."

You’ve probably felt it too.

That nagging feeling that you’re not good enough.

That you’re just faking it—and any day now, everyone else is going to find out.

Imposter syndrome is the #1 confidence killer.

It sneaks in just when you’re ready to share your work with the world.

It whispers:

“Who are you to post this?”

“Why would anyone care what you have to say?”

These thoughts aren’t just annoying...and paralyzing.

They keep you stuck, second-guessing yourself, and never hitting “publish.”

Sound familiar?

Here's the truth:

The more you listen to imposter syndrome, the louder it gets.

It keeps you playing small.

It convinces you that others are more qualified, more talented, and more deserving of success.

I’ve been there.

When I first started creating, I hesitated to post anything.

I was worried about what people would think, worried I wasn’t “expert” enough.

But I continued to take action anyway.

Now, my content reaches thousands daily.

And I’m not the only one.

If you want to thrive as a creator, you need to

Here's how you do it:

Acknowledge It:

Accept that imposter syndrome is normal.

Even the most successful creators feel it at times.

You’re not broken.

You’re not alone.

It’s part of the creative process.

The faster you accept it, the faster you can move forward.

The goal isn’t to get rid of it—it’s to create despite it.

Shift Your Focus:

Stop worrying about being the “expert.”

It’s not about being perfect.

Your audience doesn’t want perfect—they want real.

Speak from experience.

Share what you know.

Help people with where you are right now.

That’s enough.

Celebrate Small Wins:

Every post, every like, every comment is proof that people do care about what you have to say.

Don’t dismiss them.

Stop waiting for the “big break” to validate you.

Every interaction matters.

Even if one person is impacted, that’s success.

You’re already winning—recognize it.

Create Consistently:

The more you create, the more confident you’ll become.

Action beats doubt every time.

Stop overthinking it.

Create, hit publish, repeat.

Consistency builds trust—not just with your audience, but with yourself.

It’s a muscle—work it.

Separate Feelings from Facts:

Just because you feel like an imposter doesn’t mean you are one.

Feelings lie.

The truth?

You’ve earned your spot.

You’re creating, you’re showing up, and that’s what matters.

Separate the noise in your head from the reality of your work.

Facts are what you’ve accomplished, not what self-doubt whispers.

Lean Into Community:

Surround yourself with other creators.

Talk about it.

You’ll realize everyone is battling the same demons.

Community gives you perspective.

You’re not the only one who feels this way.

And together, you can push through. Iron sharpens iron.

I hate to break it to you: You’re not going to wake up one day and magically feel like an expert.

The secret?


The more you show up, the more you’ll realize that imposter syndrome has no power over you.

Your audience is waiting to hear from the current you.

Not the “perfect” version of you.

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Ken Guient
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10:8 AM • Jun 3, 2024

So the next time that voice creeps in and tells you to hold back—post anyway.

Your work matters.

And the world needs to see it.

Whether you’re posting your first piece of content or launching your next big project, the only way out of imposter syndrome is through it.

So, hit “publish.”

Your future self will thank you.

PS: Doors open to Digital Growth Writer Oct 3rd.

I'll show you how to build a profitable ecosystem with an audience that wants to buy from you in the next 90 days.

There are 2/3 spots left and once they are gone it won't be open for a while.

If you want an early invite and bonuses reply "GROW" and I'll send you over the details.

When you are ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. The Profile Optimization Guide: An interactive checklist for your profile. Designed to help your profile stand out and grow faster. 70+ downloads
  2. 60-Minute Level Up: Join 15+ writers and creators. Learn how to use your content to monetize while building your audience.


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