The Easy Way To Write Viral Content

Ever wonder why some posts blow up while yours barely get a like?

You’re not alone.

Most creators face the same struggle.

But the truth is… going viral is not luck.

It’s a skill.

You don’t need a huge following.

You just need the right strategies.

Let’s be real — the X algorithm is unforgiving.

If your post doesn’t hit the mark in the first hour, it’s dead.

You’re stuck in a cycle of tweeting and hoping, with no clue why your posts aren’t landing.

And the worst part?

It’s not that your ideas aren’t good.

It’s that they aren’t packaged in a way that gets attention.

It’s time to change that.

The good news?

Magnetic writing is a skill.

And here’s how you can master it with these 3 viral tweet techniques:

1. The Curiosity Hook

Your first line has one job: grab attention.

If you don’t hook them in the first second, they’re gone.

Use curiosity to make them stop scrolling.


“I made 3 mistakes that cost me $50,000. Here’s how you can avoid them.”

Curiosity hooks work because they create an open loop in the reader’s mind.

They need to know the answer, so they’ll keep reading.

2. Leverage Relatability

People connect with tweets that make them feel understood.

Talk about shared struggles, wins, or experiences.

It’s about making the reader think, “That’s exactly what I’ve been feeling!”


“Ever feel like no matter how hard you work, it’s never enough? You are not alone.”

This emotional connection makes people more likely to engage, reply, and retweet.

3. Create a Story-Driven Thread

Stories are the backbone of viral threads.

We’re wired to pay attention to narratives.

Use storytelling to guide the reader through your points in a way that keeps them hooked.

Here’s the formula:

  • Hook: Start with a curiosity-driven statement.
  • Problem: Agitate a pain point your audience can relate to.
  • Solution: Share your journey, what you learned, and how they can benefit.


“I lost my job in 2020. Today, I’m running a 6-figure business. Here’s the story of how I got here…”

People don’t just want information.

They want context.

They want your story.

NOTE: You could also do an instruction based thread helping your audience reach a certain outcome.

Action Steps: Use these 3 techniques will transform how your audience reacts to your content. You’ll see more likes, retweets, and replies—guaranteed.

PS: Sent out an email Wednesday about opening a few 1:1 slots to celebrate 500 subscribers. If you want my help building your brand online reply "500" and I'll send the details and bonuses.

See you at the top!

Til next week,


When you are ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. The Profile Optimization Guide: An interactive checklist for your profile. Designed to help your profile stand out and grow faster. 70+ downloads
  2. 60-Minute Level Up: Join 15+ writers and creators. Learn how to use your content to monetize while building your audience.


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