My Current Growth Strategy for X

75% of the year is almost over..

Have you grown as much online as you wanted?

If not, you can use these next 4 months as a strong push to reach your goals.

This is exactly what I plan to do.

If I'm being honest my growth slowed down significantly.


I've been spending alot of time building out resources for my audience.

Also I have taken on a ghostwriting client (Yep. Your boy is official).

My plan is to finish the year out strong.

Get more followers.

Get more leads.

Get more clients.

This is what I plan to do:

Post 3x a Day:

When I first started this was hard to do.

I started off posting once a day just to be consistent.

Every 4 months or so I would write new posts as well as repurpose old ones.

Now I've written almost 15k posts.

That's a lot of content that I have repurposed and can repurpose again.

I've been able to leverage old posts to meet that 3 posts a day goal.

On average, 2 of my 3 posts everyday are repurposed from months ago.

If the original version of a post did good, I'll keep it the same.

If it didn't do that good the first time a around, I will rewrite it in a better way until it does good.

Eventually, I will post 4x a day with 3 posts being repurposed.

Simple strategy that take time but creates volume with already tested content.

Join 1-2 Spaces a Week:

I'm usually a nervous wreck when it come to speaking to a crowd.

So what better way to get over it than to speak somewhat publically every week?

For the past few weeks, I have been doing this and I have to say I love the results.

The first thing that I noticed is that I have been getting better.

I was nowhere near as scared as I was when I first started hopping in Spaces.

What makes it easier is that I'm always in there with friends.

They tend to always make it seem more like a conversation.

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Julie Tegho- the Reel storyteller 📽️
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12:47 PM • Aug 21, 2024

Speaking of friends, I also noticed that I always leave with new friends.

Sometimes it's the hosts.

Sometimes it's a speaker or several listeners.

Space is underrated for growth and everyone needs to hop on it.

Finally, Spaces has allowed my followers hear my voice.

That might not sound like much.

But now, my followers can put a voice to the my posts and are glad they heard my input.

Engage on 30 Posts a Day:

This part of the strategy hasn't been that hard and I have been doing it longer than the others.

I might consider increasing it to 40.

My overall engagement strategy is still the same.

  • Set aside 30 minutes
  • Pop open X Pro
  • Go crazy

This doesn't include the engagement I do throughout the day randomly.

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Ken Guient
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12:0 PM • Aug 15, 2024

I try to make my comments as actoionable or entertaining as possible.

That's how you get attention.

The aim is the be the 'reply guy' and contribute to the conversation in other ways than "I agree".

This is where a nice chunk of my growth came from before I joined Spaces.

Aim to engage 10x more than you post.

Post 2 Longform/Threads a Week:

For over the past year I have been writing a thread a week.

I have been pretty consistent missing maybe 2 or 3.

Happy to say they have gotten better with time.

They are still based on newsletter issues from 6 weeks back.

I really wanted to break into the long form post game on X but I didn't want to waste time coming up with things to write about.

I used to feel the same way about my threads.

Then it hit me...

I should repurpose my threads for my long form posts.

This was a game-changer.

Each one so far has performed better than it's thread counter-part.

Now the content flow is:

Idea -> Newsletter->Thread -> Longform Post

And just like the threads, the ideas a based off the newsletter like all my other post so chances it resonates with my followers.

Bonus hack: Pin your threads and long forms for a few days.

They have a chance of being shown to your followers within a separate feature on X.

If have a good hook and a good photo, then you have an even greater chance of grabbing some extra attention.

Action Steps: Try any of these strategies for the next 30 days and if you see a change in growth let me know. You only need to apply one to see a difference.

Keep growing!

Til next week,


When you are ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. The Profile Optimization Guide: An interactive checklist for your profile. Designed to help your profile stand out and grow faster. 70+ downloads
  2. 60-Minute Level Up: Join 15+ writers and creators. Learn how to use your content to monetize while building your audience.


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