How Do You Build a Profitable 4-Figure Audience?

Most think you need 10,000+ followers to monetize.

That’s completely wrong.

You can earn 4-figures with just a few hundred.


By building a system that sells for you.

Most creators write every day with zero results.

I can be frustrating...

I have some news for you:

It’s not about more content—it’s about clarity.

Imagine if you built a system that attracted buyers.

Instead of chasing followers, people DM you.

Your audience hangs on your every word.

And sales come in without grinding endlessly.

This is how you build an audience that's interested in what you have offer.

Step 1: Finding Your ICP

Get crystal clear on your Ideal Customer Profile.

Most creators skip this and target everyone.

But if you try to talk to everyone, you speak to no one.

Focus on a narrow audience who needs what you offer.

Identify these key areas:

  1. Pains: What keeps them awake at night?
  2. Desires: What are their specific goals and dreams?
  3. Barriers: Why can’t they solve this problem alone?

When you know their challenges better than they do…

Your content naturally pulls them in like a magnet.

Create a list of phrases and pain points they use.

Read their comments, posts, and questions daily.

This language will become the core of your messaging.

This will make your audience feels understood.

Once you’re dialed into their world, everything changes.

You’re not just creating content—you’re speaking to them.

Step 2: Magnetic Content

Use your ICP data to create high-impact content.

Forget general advice—speak to their specific needs.

Every post should address their pain, goal, or desire.

Structure your posts around these key elements:

  1. Problem: Start by highlighting a relatable pain.
  2. Agitation: Show the consequences of ignoring it.
  3. Solution: Offer a clear, actionable step or insight.
  4. Proof: Back it up with data, stories, or social proof.

Focus on short, impactful content.

No need for long essays—just quick, value-packed posts.

Show that you understand them on a deep level.

Share stories that prove you’ve been in their shoes.

And use testimonials to show how your methods work.

Create 2 weeks’ worth of targeted posts…

You’ll notice an uptick in engagement.

People will comment, DM, and reach out to know more.

Remember: it’s not about more content.

It’s about better content.

When every post hits their pain or desire, you win.

Step 3: Build a Simple Offer

Take your best content and analyze engagement patterns.

What topics get the most comments, shares, or DMs?

Use that data to craft a simple, powerful offer.

It should solve one specific problem your audience has.

Break it down into a single, actionable solution.

  1. Offer Structure: Keep it clear and concise.
  2. Focus on Outcomes: What’s the specific result?
  3. Remove Complexity: Avoid multi-step solutions.

For example:

If your audience struggles to grow on Twitter...

Offer a “Twitter Growth Blueprint” with 3 actionable steps.

If they want to start a side hustle...

Create a “10-Day Launch Plan” for busy professionals.

Build your offer around what they already respond to.

Now, use DMs, emails, or posts to sell it directly.

Highlight past success stories and results.

You’ll be shocked at how easy it is to sell.

Because when your audience sees you as the solution...

The buying decision becomes effortless.

If you want to build a 4-figure audience…

And turn your social media into a profitable business…

Digital Growth Writer is open.

You’ll build a profitable ecosystem that sells for you.

All in less than 2 hours a day.

1/3 spots have been taken and doors close Oct 8th.

Reply “GROW” to this email to claim a spot.

Make 2025 the year you grow, not grind.

Til next time,


When you are ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. The Profile Optimization Guide: An interactive checklist for your profile. Designed to help your profile stand out and grow faster. 70+ downloads
  2. 60-Minute Level Up: Join 15+ writers and creators. Learn how to use your content to monetize while building your audience.


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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