Growing My Newsletter to 500 Subscribers

A few days ago I hit 500 followers.

First, I want to say thank you to all of you.

Thank you for reading and thank you for all the replies.

I read them all.

You guys are absolute legends.

Second, I have been getting questions about how I mangaed to grow mine in the last year.

I thought this would be the perfect issue to answer.

I don't do a ton to grow my newsletter.

Since it's just me, everything I do is manageable and, for the most part, automatic.

Here's all that I do to grow my newsletter daily:

Promote in my Bio:

The secret here is that I send my audience to one place.

If you take a look at my bio, I don't send them to a Linktree and have my follows choose where to go next.

When someone arrives to my page, I make the next step clear:

Join 500+ creators receiving my newsletter.

If your visitors have too many chocies, they won't choose.

Plug newsletter in my posts daily:

Currently using Typefully for posting (yeah I stopped using Hypefury) and they have an auto plug feature.

Everytime my post hits a threshold of 'likes' it plugs my newsletter.

It has a simple call to action to join if they want to learn how build their creator business.

Nothing fancy.

After a year of having this newsletter, I've never missed a day.

Recommendations on Convertkit:

This is responsible for a nice chuck of subscribers I get.

Convert Kit lets you recommend and be recommended by other creators.

I've mentioned before that I have made friends and we agreed to recommend each other for a while.

When someone signs up to their newsletter, I pop up as a suggestion.

It's pretty genius.

They are put into a small welcome sequence where they get to know me.

Now, they have a chance to follow my journey and hear from me every Friday.

Teaser Posts:

Each week I try to tease my letter twice.

The first time is Thursday before it drops.

I will write a post that is related to the newsletter topic.

Then, the plug will invite the reader to join if they want to read more on the subject.

I used to do it all on one post but then I started getting lower reach.

Seperating the posts have done wonders.

The second teaser is on Saturday after the letter is up.

Again, I post something relevant to to newsletter topic.

Then I have a plug that invites them to read the letter for free.

Been doing that every week for a year and it has been just as effective as the daily plug.

Action Steps: If you are having trouble growing your list, give these a try. most of these steps I have been implementing for the past year and the results have been compounding. So don't give up.

PS: Be on the look out for an email celebrating 500 subscribers!

Will be going out Tuesday or Wednesday. Don't miss it.

See you at the top!

Til next week,


When you are ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. The Profile Optimization Guide: An interactive checklist for your profile. Designed to help your profile stand out and grow faster. 70+ downloads
  2. 60-Minute Level Up: Join 15+ writers and creators. Learn how to use your content to monetize while building your audience.


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