Follow This Rule of You Want to Win Online.

As some of you know over the past 2 weeks I have been doing some research calls for a new offer I'm cooking up.

I talked over 20 creators about their struggles and what they would like to see in the program.

I started noticing a pattern:.

Most of them had multiple offers or they were on multiple platforms even though they haven't been writing for long.

The results?

Slow growth.

No clients.


Some even said that they wanted to quit building their online business altogether.

My suggestion was to simplify things.

I call it the Rule of 1.

Here's what they needed to focus on:

1 Problem:

You need to focus on one major problem in your industry.

If you try to solve too many then you will end up trying to cater a solution to everybody.

Solve one problem at a time.

The funny thing about starting this way: Your clients are made aware of additional problems that the would have otherwise not thought of.

For example, lets say that you help CEOs get fit and lose 30 pounds in 45 days.

Imagine you helped several CEOs reach that goal in record time.

A new problem would be trying keep the weight off.

If multiple clients have that issue, then it makes sense to focus on that problem next.

You could also see who outside of your clients have the same problem.

Then repeat.

One problem solved will lead to more problems.

So focus on one big problem.

1 Solution:

It can be tempting to have multiple offers to serve different clients at different levels.

It makes sense to want to help everyone with their problems.

However, having more than one offer can spread you thin.

It's better to have that one offer solve one specific problem.

When you have that one offer it's much easier to improve on it.

When I created 60-Minute Level Up, I made it solve a problem: going a brand online.

This is the only offer I have and I've made improvements over time.

This solution has helped many clients but like I mentioned before, that brings awareness to new issues.

So now I am currently building out a new offer to fix the new bigger problems my clients/audience struggle with.

1 Outcome:

If you are focusing on solving one major problem, then you should also focus on one outcome.

A great way to nail this is to have a solid ideal client profile or ICP.

If you are really dialed in on your ICP, then you understand their biggest struggles and biggest desires.

The outcome should lead to their desires.


The issue with multiple outcomes is that it makes it unclear to your audience if what you offer is right for them.

You need to be clear on what happens when someone works with you.

1 Channel:

Sticking to one channel applies more you if you are just starting out.

Once again, knowing your ICP can come in handy here.

The channel you use should be the place where your ICP can be found.

If you are targeting those CEOs to get them fit, then LinkedIn might be best.

If you are looking for tech founders to ghostwrite for, X might be the answer.

Once you know what that channel might be, start growing it.

Build authority so that you become the go-to person for your industry.

When you have built a solid following, branch out to other channels repurposing content from your old channel.

Action Steps: Look for areas where you may be overcomplicating your processes. If you are finding hard to grow and get clients, you might be doing more than what you need. Use the Rule of 1 to cut out what you don't need.

Time to focus up.

Til next week,


ANNOUNCEMENT: Next week will be the last week to be part of my research calls. If you are looking to build a brand online, let's chat. I have a new offer in the works and could use your help.

Reply "BUILD" and I will send you the details.

When you are ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. The Profile Optimization Guide: An interactive checklist for your profile. Designed to help your profile stand out and grow faster. 70+ downloads
  2. 60-Minute Level Up: Join 15+ writers and creators. Learn how to use your content to monetize while building your audience.


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